The DfE have stated the requirement “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”
At Lyng CE Primary Academy, these values are explicitly taught through Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE), and Religious Education (RE). We also teach British Values through planning and delivering a broad and balanced curriculum and Values focus within Collective Worship and assemblies. We have achieved the following external accreditations which demonstrate evidence of our commitment to these values:
- Ofsted grade of ‘Good’
- School Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) grade of ‘Good’
We :
- Formulate and agree a set of ‘class rules’ at the beginning of each school year.
- Organise an election day when members of the School Council are elected by the whole school, following the presentation of election manifestos by each candidate.
- Elect class representatives to our school council.
- Have a School Council and Eco-Team who contribute enormously to school life by organising and managing whole-school events. Many of these involve raising money for charities.
- Allow the children’s voice to be heard. We regularly ask for their views.
- Ask children to support the interviewing process for new staff.
- Discuss democracy within assemblies
- Curriculum Learning ; Democracy workshop / meet a councillor
- Voting for different purposes- eg Eco team design for new logo
The Rule of Law:
We promote the rule of law by:
- Having a clear, consistent behaviour policy (based upon positive rewards) which is consistently applied throughout the school.
- Providing opportunities for children to reflect about positive and negative behaviour.
- Providing an extensive Road Safety programme throughout the school.
- Developing links with the Police Service.
- Addressing issues of law during whole-school assemblies as and when appropriate.
- Giving considerable time to individual pupils who require additional opportunities to understand the importance of following rules.
- Using our extensive reward system to acknowledge good behaviour as well as good academic work.
- Giving older pupils responsibilities, including older pupils undertaking an Ambassador role
Individual Liberty:
- Pupils are actively encouraged to make choices at our school, knowing that they are learning within a safe and supportive environment.
- Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and are advised how to exercise these safely, for example through our e-Safety teaching.
- Children are encouraged to understand responsibility in school in terms of behaviour and attitude to learning.
- Justice and Wisdom are given a focus as part of our values curriculum.
- Home / school agreements for all pupils are in place.
- Pupils are taught how to be safe and how to act safely. This is given an additional emphasis during anti-bullying week.
Mutual Respect:
Respect and Responsibility are key values which permeate all aspects of school life at Lyng. They determine the way in which we support and care for each other, for the community and for the environment.
At Lyng, children learn respect through;
- The promotion of positive relationships.
- The modelling of positive relationships by all adults working in school.
- A Personal, Social and Health Education curriculum in which children are taught that behaviour has an effect upon those around them and upon their own rights.
- The RE curriculum.
- All other aspects of the curriculum (as successfully working in groups requires respect for each other).
- The work of the school council and eco-team.
- The positive reward system developed to promote respect.
- Our celebration assemblies when all pupils show respect for the efforts of others.
- Giving responsibility to pupils (team captains, playground buddies, peer mediators, etc.)
- Participation in events organised to raise money for various charities..
- Developing a sense of belonging and ‘community’ through team events, whole school days, such as Outdoor Day and School Games Day ,educational visits and residential visits
Tolerance of Those of Different Faiths and Beliefs:
Tolerance is promoted in our school through:
- The stated aims and values of the school.
- The PSHE curriculum.
- The RE curriculum.
- The Languages curriculum.
- Our annual Languages Week (part of participation in European day of Languages)
- Cultural activities linked to curriculum topics, visitors
- Educational visits to places of religious worship.
- Class and whole school assemblies.
- Festival study and celebration (Divali, Harvest, etc.)
- Work on prejudice-based bullying during anti-bullying week.
- Using world events as opportunities to positively reinforce life and culture in other countries (football world cup, the Olympics, etc.)
- The school’s equal opportunities policy.
Link to Ofsted report for our school
KS2 Achievement Summary 2015-16 w
Link to Department for Education Performance Tables